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Showing posts from February, 2012


Some pinged, some winked, others poked.  I choked from the unwanted attention. Little did I know, everyone was naked online. Just like me and my conscience.  ajith gopinath


Once upon a time there was a talented artist. He believed in god and the goodness of people.  As time went by he started chasing materialistic goals. A house there, a fancy car, a swelling bank balance. Little did he knew that in his pursuit to gain more and more he had forgotten his family, friends and god. He wandered away to places far and near. One day as he was sad and lonely in a big desert he looked up at the starlit sky. He realized that he has never gazed up since he was a child. So he looked at the stars blinking back at him from above. He stood there wondering if the stars were telling him something. Something that he always knew - that for those who care, it doesn't matter whether he was rich or poor. They just want him to be happy and not frustrated and far.


The pen coughed black spots The paper was a virgin no more  And so the story begins Little did they know that The story was all about their affair In proper black and white  The paper was a part Of a saga that's never been told About a pen and paper 


The dawn was fast approaching. The yellow leaf bade goodbye to its branch and took the plunge. The grass welcomed it with open arms. It's going to be a cold night remarked the wise snail. Hurry shouted the scurrying red ant to his friend. The lonely owl hooted its heart out. Thud came the page closing down on all of them. The book was returned to the bedstead accompanied by a loud yawn.