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Showing posts from May, 2015


You can't take back the spoken word. In Lingoland that was a reality. Whatever you say will be floating around. That's why Lolo's mother got divorced. Her husband came across the sweet nothings she told her lover as a teenager. He found them bouncing off a college wall while he was painting it. Some politicians had to flee the land after their election promises surfaced at the most inappropriate times. So now no one speaks in Lingoland. They carry slates to communicate.    

R2D2 Musings

Today my head didn't feel like it was mine. It felt too fragile, there was something jangling deep inside. I unscrewed it to see if there were any loose contacts. Little did I know that the main processor shuts down once the head is detached.

A death

He was facing the wall counting the ants. That day too wasn't any different. I said my usual hello. He never responds anyway. So I went on with my chores. That's when I realised that the ants were on him and that he was leaning on the wall.