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Showing posts from September, 2012


The bookrack was looming menacingly behind him. He always had a premonition that one day it will crush him to death. Just like the ant he crushed between the yellowing pages of Das Capital. He heard a creak when he replaced a book the other day. He looked at the book he was going to replace, Charles Darwin - The theory of evolution. My evolution might stop right now, that was the thought he had on his mind when rack collapsed.     


That's going to be a problem, he replied. I can't accept a live heart. I never have handled one. I usually get dead ones. Almost dead ones as well. But never a live one like yours. She suppressed her tears and walked away.     


Pain has eaten away his features. He looks like a rock that has endured the raging seas. You can sense the angst in his every move. Even his eyelids sob when they part. This is the story I want to write, thought the android. I have to experience pain like he did. How do I do that is beyond me. For I am just a programmable being whereas he is a mystery. I hate him. I have to destroy him. The android quickly activated the termination sequence. The man never knew what happened. His atoms were dispersed all over space in an instant.  


The pain grew like a banyan tree on steroids. It spread its giant branches without a care. It crushed everything that was in its way. The brain was numbed by this onslaught. It grew weak and frail. Soon pain took over. Like an evil emperor it squashed every other function from the brain. All the brain had was pain and nothing else.  


There is no blood. Shoot him again. Nope, he must have been dead long back. How can that be? Didn't we just see him jumping around? Look there, he is moving again. Shoot!   


I will soon unsubscribe from this life. All my updates, snaps and witty comments will be soon forgotten. There will be a million others who are eager to fill in. This existence is just spam and nothing else.   


Welcome back his conscience boomed. I didn't go anywhere for you to welcome me back, he quipped. Its been a while since we met, whether you went away or not. How is that possible? There he goes again, muttered his conscience.