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Showing posts from January, 2013


You have to kill her with one deft stroke. Then we can deal with our hero. But, isn't it a bit too early for her to die? Oh, yes, then let her faint and regain consciousness after we kill the hero. What about the others? They are anyway out of the frame so let's not worry about them too much. Ok. So I will kill; no make her faint. 


I am going wood-free. He emphasised on the wood-free bit for effect. His words were greeted by muted sniggers and guffaws. That's when truth spoke in the form of his friend. Aren't you a termite my lord, he asked.  


Finally it was time to get up and go. That's when he realised that he hadn't finished the first assignment. Cursing himself, he started moving farther in to the abyss called office. Did he hear that anticipatory rustle from the files in his cabin. Or was it something else?  


The spoon went and complained to the bottle. Your mouth is too narrow for me to derive any pleasure. The bottle smiled and screwed on its cap tightly. The shelf let out a long sigh. He pondered why the spoon can't find another wide mouthed bottle and why the bottle screwed itself shut.   


The bait was juicy. He hadn't eaten for three days. He knew that if he touched the bait he will be dead. He also knew that if he doesn't eat anything he will be dead soon.  


There was a star that was so far away in the galaxy that people needed telescopes to figure out what it was. But then that's the same about any star right? So what makes our star so special? Well, for starters it was a star that was about to unhinge from its orbit and crash in to our planet. Does that make it interesting? Oh I forgot, this star is five times the size of our planet.

Sticky Tune

The music went round and round. There must be a broken record somewhere. Otherwise who will play this silly tune again and again? He went from cubicle to cubicle in search of the music. Then he heard someone shout at him, "Dude, if you whistle that damn tune once more, I will blow your brains out."   


The writer's block is big and round, said a voice. No it is a cube, something like a square quipped another. Naah, it's just a pen without ink said another. Whatever it is, it's just not letting me write, screamed another. Together they just stared at the empty page which stared back at them vacuously.   


The rules have changed. Now it's just you and no one else. Those were the last messages the public announcement system blared. The fighter just sat there staring at the mirror. 

The Pill

What are you proposing? Are you trying to say that the whole system is flawed? It's beyond my comprehension. How could you? That's when they fed him the blue pill and the rest they say is history. 


Far away in the mist laden lands of the capital evil lurks. It feeds on corruption and nepotism. No one has been able to tame the beast so far. For it's brood has grown beyond control. So much that humans are slowly becoming a minority. The aliens looked at the strange message on their screen and guffawed.