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Showing posts from October, 2013

To write or not to write

I wanted to write science fiction. I wanted to write about things that are yet to be invented. But sadly, they say everything that has to be invented has been invented. So what do I write about now? How about history? But then, history is also taken. What can I possibly write my friend? A blog about writing? Nothing? 


They were her children. But the DNA proved otherwise. So whose children were they? That night in her fitful sleep she dreamt of the Chimera. No one knew she was one and the kids were hers.  

The Axe

I was trying to key in something inane to pass it off as a story. But my conscience revolted. So I thought I should confess about it and try again later.  The king listened to the bard's sob story with great interest. In the end he smiled at the executioner and gave him the thumbs down. Off came the axe and ended the story then and there.


The lazy lizard was basking in the sun. A juicy housefly on the wall caught his attention. He winked at her and meditated on the harmful effects of eating houseflies. 

Haiku Squared

When the blood runs out Will the body become an empty shell Echoing hollow words of wisdom When the brain gives up Will the mind get flooded with memories Marooning reality with facts unknown 


There she was. Under six foot of earth. By the river. A plantain merrily feeding on her ashes. The world is a lonely place cawed the crow. The foliage agreed as the breeze went past. This too shall pass. Another memory. Another sorrow. For our souls are so cavernous where the universe can get lost in.    


A man without a wife A son without a mother A mother without a daughter A friend without a friend All it takes is a moment For ying to lose yang

Dead man talking

I am on the list. Which list? The list of the dead. What? I said I am on the list. I heard that, but how come you are there on the list of the dead? Why, what's wrong with that? That was the only list available at that time. Do you know what that makes you? Yes, a dead man.