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Showing posts from January, 2015


The announcement came late. The gates slammed shut immediately after. Those who were outside were shot. The dead formed a heap that blocked the gate. The question was who will defy the drones to move them out of the way. The living flocked around the information tower, waiting for another command to be barked out. 


Mario just came to me. Before the surprise died down, Jose and Gunter popped up. Strange, considering the fact that I had gone there to meet a whole new lot. Coincidence? I guess not, it has happened quite a few times before as well. I will be wandering looking for someone and then wham I end up with a new one. At times it's good, I still remember Kazantikas. It can be bad as well, Okri didn't impress me much.   


I was young then. My friends were young too. Now when I look back how I became friends with some of them remain a mystery. It took me a few years and another friend to understand what acquaintances really meant. I am old now. I don't think I have many friends. Today, everyone is an acquaintance. My real friends are books. I like them because they don't expect anything from me.   


The thoughts just shrivel up and die. It has been going on like this for quite some time. At first they seem to thrive, then all of a sudden they perish. It is time we took the mind for a check up.  


The game was on. The rules were simple. The winners live. The losers lose their lives. At times chance also plays its role. If you thought Russian Roulette, you are mistaken. This game is called life. 

The hatred circle

I don't like to see them happy. I think that's my problem. It makes me depressed. I don't want them to be happy. How I hate them because they are happy. Pour me another, let me drink to that.    


Everyday when I look down from my skyscraper. I fear to see a dead body lying down there lifeless. Sometimes I am even scared to look. But then, thankfully it never happens. At times I am disappointed for the same reason as well.  

Inner peace

The storm was fast approaching. The first volley of drops hit the tin roof like a thunderous applause. The door was blown off its hinges by the wind. There in the middle of all this din sat XiangPa. A raindrop found its way inside through a hole on the roof. XiangPa looked up in anticipation. His eyes followed the drop on it's rapid descend to the dusty floor. As the drop hit the floor XingPa had a realisation. Our lives are like raindrops on a tin roof. Some make it to the floor and dissipate, some join others and end up in the gutter.    


The other woman is back. She is now knocking on my friend's door. How the story goes will depend on who will let her in. The husband or the wife. 


You have come to the right place. We can fix it easily. How did you break it? Did you let it fall  by the wayside. Or did you forget all about it? Now that it's been a year, let's fix it. Or do you want to exchange it for a brand new one?   


Once upon a time, there was a planet. That's pretty vague isn't it? Approximately 18 billion years ago, there was a planet called Terrafirma. Approximately? Oh damn, this is why I never tell stories to Mercedian children. They always want everything to be accurate to the last decimal point.  

The story tellers

The first day of the year deserves a story. They wracked their brains to find one. They were known to be good at their trade. But this year it was proving to be too difficult. They soon realised that every conceivable story had already been taken by the last year. They had a reputation to live up to and they had only 24 hours to do it.