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Showing posts from April, 2015

Zero G

I still remember that day. We woke up feeling lighter. There was a pep on everyones step. Even the sad felt that a load has been lifted off their shoulders. The gym rats lifted more than usual. We felt good until Joseph found that he had to place more than usual on the weighing scales. Then all hell broke loose. By noon, the furniture started levitating. Water refused to stay down. Kids began to bounce higher. Blood began to rush to our brains. Cars floated. In fact anything that was independent had to be tied down. Some moored themselves to the trees. Our world was going light. We had lost gravity for ever.     

Know all

I am realising new things about me everyday. I am not a success as I think. I am not great as some say. I am not good as I want others to believe. I am a lost soul in a sea of faces. I have lost faith in myself. I don't know why I am drifting along. I don't know why I am playing my part. I don't know why I am keying this in. I don't know why you should be reading this. If I knew, then I won't be doing this I promise. I will be reading your mind. I will be predicting the future. I will be the one who knows it all. 


This story was never to be written. For the writer was the main character in his own story. He was like a castaway in a flotsam of words. Clutching one word or the other before they drowned taking him down with them. Sent from an iPad that hates my spelling.