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Showing posts from August, 2016


Thoughts just streamed in like the cool breeze through a half open window. He wanted to be a big name in publishing. But his tales didn't really make it in a world brimming with stories. They just blended in with the rest. Only he could recognize them in a crowd. For others they were just like any other story. Some took them home, some didn't. They just stood there braving the odds for a random stranger to delve deeper into their souls. At times he also used to wonder whether he himself was someone else's story.


There is a problem with your breathing You either breathe in or out Why don't you just absorb without doing anything Its easy to say when you are from not from my universe I am an alien, you are one too We are two species wrapped in a time machine  So why don't we forget all this and go our separate ways  


Your heart is weak. Its delicate like a balloon filled with nails. Here, you can hear then jangle. Let's do an echocardiogram. Oh no, lets try TMT. Wait, let's see how long you can go on. Try not to do anything. You might as well die. That's safer for your cardiac condition. And so they chimed on.    


When thoughts become tweets When memories disappear like sweets When alarms wake up before sunrise When cars run on pure desire When souls seek asylum I soak in their moral bedlam For I am who I am The key to the mortal conundrum


They just came. They just went. We belong to the same family tree. Chirped one. But then her family tree is some other tree now. I am just a twig from her past. The little ones looked on with wonder. As we the true descendants of apes discussed trees. The time has come to say goodbye once again. Till we cross paths.