I have been waiting for something interesting to happen to make my blog time worthwhile. Here are a few things I thought might happen. A new job. My thunderbird. A film. An award. But nothing has materialised so far.
But then that doesn't mean the days so far were really dull. Ayaz and Fathima had come. I have lined up another bike in case Harsh develops cold feet. I am now exploring opportunities back home something which I thought I never will. Babu has broken the so called holy trinity and is heading to greener pastures. The stent disappeared. Winter has come.
Life goes on.
But then that doesn't mean the days so far were really dull. Ayaz and Fathima had come. I have lined up another bike in case Harsh develops cold feet. I am now exploring opportunities back home something which I thought I never will. Babu has broken the so called holy trinity and is heading to greener pastures. The stent disappeared. Winter has come.
Life goes on.
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